Health Club Closure

Gym closed Monday March 24th 6am - Saturday March 29th 6:30am

We are excited to announce that our Health Club is undergoing a revamp. A lot of work is going into our new space and will take a couple of days to ensure everything is complete and safe for usage.

During this closure, we will also be training our wonderful staff to assist you with the new equipment. It is a great time to get onboard with a Personal Trainer or book in your Begin program following the week after to ensure your best workout.

Our Health Club will be closed from Monday march 24th 6am - Saturday March 29th 6:30am (including 24/7 Access)

We hope this time gives memerbs an opportunity to try new classes or get outdoors before the weather goes cool. A 7 Day trial of Reformer is available OR another local centre, Monbulk Aquatic Centre has opened their doors to our Health Club members for the week.

If you would like to suspend free of charge during the closure please contact us in person, over the phone on (03) 9762 3133 or email As a gesture of goodwill, this will not imapct your 6 weeks of free suspension for the year.

We thank you for your patience during this exciting time & we cannot wait to open our doors back to you shortly!!

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